Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Students. First of all, remember you need to take your Accelerated Reader tests. Here's the link.

To submit your stories for publication after I return them to you:

1. Edit your story based upon the suggestions Mr. Zimmer or I made...if you lost it, you must find another teacher to edit your story and bring that to me. Be sure to save it.

2. Edit the business letter you wrote to include the information of the magazine you're sending your story to. (Remember, the sample business letter is below.) Be sure to save it.

3. Copy your business letter into the body of your e-mail. Be sure the magazine's e-mail address is correct in the "To" bar. Be sure to send it to me, too:

4. Send your story (unless the magazine wants otherwise) as an attachment. If you're not sure how to do this, ask a pal first, then either Mr. Zimmer or me.

5. Send it.

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