Monday, August 30, 2010

Questions for Group Discussion: The Night Country by Loren Eiseley

1. In the selection, Loren Eiseley, the narrator, describes a scene in which a group of young people kill a turtle. How did the description of this event make you feel? How would you have reacted had you been in the narrator's place? Have you ever been in a similar situation? If so, how did you react?

2. Have you ever had an experience like the one the narrator had with the gold wheel, in which you found yourself (probably at a young age) somewhere unexpected, neat, or fantastical? Describe this to your group. Did you have a special place you went to as a young child? If so, describe this. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

3. Discuss your "I likes" and "I wonders" with the group about this reading selection.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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Click "quiz one, pre-assessment."

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