Thursday, September 14, 2006

You will be taking a virtual tour of Africa to guide your reading of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Here are some questions to guide you on your way. (Isn't it cool that you can come to class anytime?) Links have been provided for your benefit. Complete these questions before coming to class on Tuesday, March 16, 2010. You may e-mail your responses to me (the link is provided in my profile). Please feel free to leave comments, questions, or concerns, either in my inbox or in the comment section below the post.

1. What country is Brazzaville in?
2. Tell me four things about the Bubi Tribe, including the country in which they live.
3. Write a short paragraph describing the mood of this painting.
4. How much would it cost you to fly from Chicago to Brazzaville, Congo? Print out your itinerary. I will award five bonus points to whomever comes up with the lowest round-trip fare. Suggestion:
5. What country is Chinua Achebe from?
6. What country does Things Fall Apart take place in?
7. What awards has Things Fall Apart won?
8. Tell me three things about the city of Libreville.
9. What is the average high temperature in Antananarivo, Madagascar in August? (I'd use What is the hottest place in all of Africa?
10. List five works of literature that have been set in Africa.

Bonus: Where was the above picture taken?