Monday, May 12, 2008

1. What does Harry dream about at the end of "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"?

2. What is the meaning of "Ngàje Ngài"?
a. Beware the Leopard
b. House of the Holy
c. House of the Leopard
d. House of God

3. What secret does Harry never confess to Helen?
a. He was unfaithful to her.
b. He never loved her.
c. He gave his last morphine pills to Williamson.
d. He lived in a poor neighborhood of Paris when he was a boy.

4. What is Harry referring to when he says, "Never believe any of that about a scythe and a skull"?
a. The use of mysticism to cheat death
b. The traditional, African symbols of death
c. The traditional, Western symbols of death
d. The legend of what lay at the summit of Kilimanjaro

5. Respond to the story. How would you feel if you were in Harry's position? How would your reaction compare/ contrast with his? If you were in that situation, what memories would you ponder? What do you want to write about before you die? Use specfic and concrete examples from the story to elucidate your points.

6. Summarize the poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" in your own words.

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