Monday, February 04, 2008

World War One Webquest

1. Research the following new weapons that were developed for use in the Great War and explain how they changed the face of war. Weapons to explore: flamethrower, tank, machine gun, submarine, airplane, and 3" mortar.

2. Explain what "no man's land" was and draw an illustration of it.

3. How was gas used as a biological weapon in the Great War? What types of gas were used, and what were their effects?

4. What was life like in the trenches for the typical German soldier?

5. We've discussed (briefly) the concept of an unreliable narrator. (Think of the multi-named protagonist from "Reconnaissance.") What are the characteristics of an unreliable narrator? How does this effect/ affect the plot of a story?

6. True or false: You should get a copy of All Quiet on the Western Front by Friday. Answer in 5 pages or less, demonstrating grade-level appropriate control of diction and tone.

7. How did Americans view the war before American involvement? Did this opinion change once the United States was involved? If so, how?

8. What happened at Verdun that made it so notorious?

Click here to start your search. You may also use such search engine sites as Google or Yahoo, or browse Wikipedia. Remember, plagarism is strictly prohibited! Use vivid sensory details in your answers, and don't be afraid to be unusual. Your anwsers are due Wednesday, so get crackin' weiners.

Daniel: Draw the following: snake, bear, square, dog.

1 comment:

katt said...

Hi, it's Kathleen from your 3rd hour.I have a question about my descriptive essay. Why is my grade so low on it. I checked my grades online and it said I got a 20/100 on it and I followed the paper you gave us. I'm just a little confused.